Autumn 2024 Newsletter

Welcome to our Autumn newsletter.

We have just had a busy run of classes and it was so wonderful to have so many of you from around the world here in Ayr. There were so many fun, happy memories. With 18 instructors making it to Ayr and up to 22 countries represented in each class realising how many patients will benefit from the skills learnt in these classes is very humbling. This only encourages us to run future classes and continue to give the opportunity to learn this fabulous work. Do read on for a full outline of our upcoming programme as well as some great moments from the recent trainings. 

We look forward to seeing you again soon

Alison, Scott and Evan

London calling!

In November we will be running 3 classes in London. They are as follows:
VM2 – 13-16 November 2024
NM2 – 17-19 November 2024
Viscerovascular Upper – 20-22 November 2024.
If you are someone who finds London classes easier, this is your chance to catch these classes. NM2 will not be back in London for another 4 years and Viscerovascular Upper has never run in London before and we anticipate it being 6 years or so before it returns (both will run in Ayr, Scotland in the meantime).
In January we then return to London with VM3 and VM1 and in November 2025 we have VM4 and NM3 scheduled. So there’s plenty of classes across the curriculum coming to the capital.


Manual Articular Returns

In 2025 we have both Manual Articular Upper class (in March) and Manual Articular Lower classes (in September) in Ayr. Manual Articular is working with all aspects of the joints, including ligaments, tendons, menisci, vascular, neural and emotional aspects. Many chiropractors, osteopaths and physiotherapists have reported that they really did not know how to work holistically with a joint until they had done these classes and expressed the benefits it has brought to their practice. There are no prerequisites on these classes, so even if you have not studied with us before you can start your journey here.  You can do these classes in any order and the upper and lower classes cover the joints of the upper or lower extremity respectively.

Fun times - memories from September

In September we ran 4 classes back to back in Ayr. We had Gail Wetzler (from Denver, USA) teaching her Advanced Urogenital Manipulation an Internal Approach and Concussion Recovery classes, followed by Jean-Pierre Barral (from France) teaching his newest class Manual Approach to the Brain 3 and then Mark Bloemberg (from the Netherlands) teaching Visceral Manipulation 6. There were many fun times across the classes - here are selection of moments from that time. For more do check our Facebook page. 

Unique classes coming to the UK!

Along with the core curriculums we are delighted to be bringing some of the less common classes to the UK over the next 18 months. Next year in October (5-7, 2025) we have Neurovisceral Manipulation of the Thorax and Abdomen (NVMTA) taught by its creator Olivier Bazin. This class focusses on the neural supply to the visceral organs and how that can be a big issue for their functioning. The prerequisite is VM2 and NM2. Then in January we have Strategic Crossroads of the Body. The only time this class is being offered on any schedule in the world currently is in Ayr, 31 January – 2 February 2026.  It is a class developed by Jean-Pierre Barral and being taught by Mark Bloemberg looking at areas of the body where a lot of different tissues come together and how working with these areas can help resolve tensions that may result. This is a class that has been taught here once before in 2015 and many people have asked for its return  as they found the information so valuable – so for all of you here it is!  The third class is a brand new class developed and taught by Jean-Pierre Barral – Neurovascular, Synovial and  Lymphatic Systems of the Extremities (NSLE) from 4-6 February 2026. This class looks at fluids and their contribution to the extremities.  These 3 unique classes are not to be missed – it will be many years before we anticipate any of them returning to our shores.


Spring 2025 Newsletter


Spring 2024 Newsletter