Neural Manipulation: Neuromeningeal Manipulation (NM1)
Course Length: 3 Days, 18 Hours course time
Synopsis: This is a specialized course focusing on the impact of whiplash.
Course Highlights:
Study the three primary areas of trauma as they relate to whiplash: physical laws, evaluation and treatment.
Learn the appropriate anatomy and physiology for treatment of whiplash and trauma conditions.
Learn to locate and release restrictions along the meningeal system.
Assess injuries to the soft tissues of the cervical region and learn treatment protocols for optimal release.
Learn tests to determine restriction patterns of the cervicobrachial region.
Understand how whiplash creates restriction patterns throughout the body.
Identify techniques that encompass the whole body, as the whole body receives collision forces in a whiplash injury, not just the cervical spine.
Learn to evaluate restrictions in the lumbosacral region.
Discover new applications of visceral manipulation principles and techniques as they can be utilized for patients presenting whiplash and other conditions involving trauma.
Compare treatment sequence and tests for whiplash and traumatic injuries.
Prerequisite: Experience with manual listening skills.
Required Advance Reading: Trauma: An Osteopathic Approach by Jean-Pierre Barral, RPT, DO & Manual Therapy for Peripheral Nerves by Jean-Pierre Barral, RPT, DO; and Alain Croibier, D.O.
Neural Manipulation: Peripheral Nerve Manipulation; Upper Body (NM2)
Course Length: 3 Days,18 Hours course time
Synopsis: This course explores evaluation and treatment techniques for peripheral nerves of the upper body.
Course Highlights:
Explore in detail the anatomy and function of the peripheral nerves of the upper body.
Discover typical pain patterns that arise from dysfunction of these peripheral nerves.
Learn evaluation methods and treatment techniques to facilitate normal functioning of these peripheral nerves.
Discover various methods for releasing restrictions in nerves.
Explore practical integration into treatment sessions.
Prerequisite: Neural Manipulation: Neuromeningeal Manipulation (NM1). It is advised that you should perform at least 100 brachial plexus treatments before taking this class.
Required Advance Reading: Manual Therapy for Peripheral Nerves by Jean-Pierre Barral, RPT, DO; and Alain Croibier, D.O.
Neural Manipulation: Peripheral Nerve Manipulation; Lower Body (NM3)
Course Length: 3 Days, 18 Hours course time
Synopsis: This course explores evaluation and treatment techniques for peripheral nerves of the lower body.
Course Highlights:
Explore in detail the anatomy and function of the peripheral nerves of the lower body.
Discover typical pain patterns that arise from dysfunction of these peripheral nerves.
Learn evaluation methods and treatment techniques to facilitate normal functioning of these peripheral nerves.
Discover various methods for releasing restrictions in nerves.
Explore practical integration into treatment sessions
Prerequisite: Neural Manipulation: Peripheral Nerve Manipulation: Upper Body (NM2). It is recommended you have practised at least 100 femoral and sciatic nerve treatments before taking this class.
Required Advance Reading: Manual Therapy for Peripheral Nerves by Jean-Pierre Barral, RPT, DO; and Alain Croibier, D.O.
Neural Manipulation: Brain and Cranial Nerve Manipulation (NM4)
Course Length: 3 Days, 18 Hours course time
Synopsis: This course explores evaluation and treatment techniques for nerves of the brain, and cranial region.
Course Highlights:
Explore in detail the anatomy and function of the brain and cranial nerves.
Discover typical pain patterns that arise from dysfunction of the brain and cranial nerves.
Learn evaluation methods and treatment techniques to facilitate normal functioning of these nerves.
Learn differential evaluation skills to determine skull, suture and brain fixation.
Explore how compressions of the brain cause dysfunction in the cranial nerves.
Discover how intracranial pressure affects the function of the entire body, and cranial techniques to bring about normal functioning.
Learn practical integration into treatment sessions.
Prerequisite: Peripheral Nerve Manipulation; Lower Body (NM3)
Required Advance Reading: Manual Therapy for Cranial Nerves by Jean-Pierre Barral, RPT, DO; and Alain :, D.O.
Central & Peripheral Connections (NM5)
Course Length: 3 Days, 18 Hours course time
Synopsis: With 40 years of experience working in Visceral Manipulation Jean-Pierre Barral has now refined and created new techniques in relation to the intervertebral disc pain conditions. Through further advanced Listening, treatment skills and specific evaluation, this seminar will improve your hand sensitivity and increase your manual therapy skills.
Prerequisite: Neural Manipulation: Brain and Cranial Nerve Manipulation (NM4)
Required Advance Reading: Notes from your NM1-4 classes.
Neural Manipulation Certification
Synopsis: Earn your certification in Neural Manipulation from the Barral Institute - and assure patients your training comes straight from the source – Jean-Pierre Barral.
Certification Highlights:
Ensures a deep understanding of anatomy, physiology and Neural Manipulation Therapy techniques.
Helps preserve the right of qualified healthcare professionals to practice Neural Manipulation
Demonstrates your commitment to excellence and enhances your networking and referral status.
Techniques Certification: Allows you to use the professional designation "CNM" in your title.
Successfully complete Neural Manipulation 1-4 (NM1-4)
Successfully complete a Techniques-level at-home objective exam for each NM1-4 class level.
Submit five (5) case write-ups following the required format.
Successfully complete a practical/oral/written exam with a Certified BI Examiner that tests your ability to understand and apply NM techniques from class levels NM1-NM4 and LT1.
Note: Neural Manipulation Certification through the Barral Institute certifies a person's abilities in Neural Manipulation (NM). Since certification does not provide a legal right to practice, a person must have the appropriate credential and/or license to practice manual therapy in their locale.