Spring 2025 Newsletter
Are you new to Training with Us?
We have lots of entry level classes coming up this year along with some rare classes available in the UK over the next 2 years. Whether your interest is more in Visceral Manipulation, Neural Manipulation or Manual Articular Approach we have entry level classes for all 3 modalities over the next few months:
Visceral Manipulation (starts at VM1- Visceral Manipulation 1) has a focus on working with the internal organs and their support systems using hands on treatment.
Neural Manipulation (starts at NM1 – Neural Manipulation 1) focuses on working with the nervous system and nerves, being trained to be able to feel the tensions both within and around the system and release restrictions.
Manual Articular Approach (can start with MAUE – Manual Articular Upper Extermity, MALE – Manual Articular Lower Extremity or MASP – Manual Articular Spine and Pelvis) focuses on all aspects of the joints – not just looking at alignment, but at the tendons, ligaments, muscles, nerves, blood supply, cartilage, capsule and emotional connections to list but a few aspects.
Listening Techniques (LT1). The evaluation system that underpins all of the Barral modalities is called “Listening” so we also are running a class specifically to help improve those skills and thereby enhance any of the other curriculums.
The dates for these classes upcoming is as follows:
VM1 – Visceral Manipulation 1 – 14th -17th May 2025, Ayr, Scotand or 21st - 24th January 2026 in London.
NM1 – Neural Manipulation 1 – 18th - 21st May 2025, Ayr, Scotland
MAUE – Manual Articular Upper – 5th - 7th March 2025, Ayr, Scotland
MALE – Manual Articular Lower – 27th - 29th September 2025, Ayr, Scotland
MASP – Manual Articular Spine and Pelvis – 25th - 27th January 2026, London
LT1 – Listening Techniques 1 – 2nd - 4th March 2025, Ayr, Scotland
Manual Approach to the Brain Curriculum
The Brain curriculum is Jean-Pierre Barral's newest offering, learning how to palpate tensions or changes in the brain tissue and feel changes when different parts of the brain are activated. We are running both Brain 1 (the first level of the curriculum with a LT1 prerequisite) and Brain 4 this year, with Brain 2 next year and Brain 3 planned for 2027. The classes are done in order (1 through to 4) and this work will really expand and change what you can do in your practice.
Brain 1 – 26th - 28th November 2025, Ayr, Scotland
Brain 2 – 11th - 13th November 2026, Ayr, Scotland
Brain 3 – planning to run in 2027
Brain 4 – 1st - 3rd October 2025, Ayr, Scotland.
UK Teachers
We are extremely lucky to have 3 fantastic teachers based in the UK. All of them also teach internationally regularly. We are delighted that all our teachers are progressing with their teaching careers. Recently this is what we have been up to!
Kirstie Cousins
Teaching VM1 and 2 and now working towards teaching the Manual Articular Curriculum with her first Manual Articular class being Manual Articular Spine and Pelvis (MASP) in January 2026 in London
Alex Fugallo
Teaching NM1-3 and now working towards teaching NM4. Alex will be teaching NM1 and 3 this year for us in the UK and also travelling abroad to various countries to help bring Neural Manipulation to more people
Alison Harvey
Teaching VM1-5, LT1, VVML, VVMU and now approved to teach Urogenital Manipulation an Internal Approach (UGM-I). This class will be running for the first time in May 2026 in Ayr – just finalising dates before it opens for registration
For classes none of the UK teachers are qualified to teach we bring in teachers from around the world who are part of the Barral international teaching team. Here is a photo from last summer of many of that team
Strategic Crossroads in the Body 1
This is a class that we have not run for nearly a decade and has been greatly missed! It is focussed on looking at areas of the body where a lot of structures come together, the most important fascial and peritoneal crossroads where nerves, arteries, veins and lymph canals have the risk to be compressed. These include thoracic inlet, axilla, inguinal area or diaphragm to list but a few. This will be the first time this class has been offered anywhere in the world for a few years (prereq VM2 and a NM2, VVM or MAA class).
SCB1 – Strategic Crossroads in the Body 1 – 31 January – 2 February 2026, Ayr, Scotland