Visceral Listening Techniques 1 (LT1)
Course Length: 3 Days, 18 Hours course time
Synopsis: LT is designed to reinforce powerful "listening" skills.
Course Highlights:
Discover a new listening skills (palpation procedure) that helps guide you to the proper manipulation site.
Learn to interpret the information the body is offering regarding imbalances and dysfunctions.
Explore through listening how to determine which body structures are involved, and identify the best approach for treatment results.
Practice listening to the body systems, as they respond to your treatments.
Learn to identify the correct approach and amount of force when working on different parts of the body and with different clients.
Prerequisite: VM1 (Visceral Manipulation) or NM1 (Neuromeningeal Manipulation) or CSTI (CranioSacral Therapy I), or LDTI (Lymph Drainage Therapy 1) or MLI (Mechanical Link I).
Required Advance Reading: None
Listening Techniques 2: An Integrative Approach to Evaluation (LT2)
Course Length: 3 Days, 18 Hours course time.
Synopsis: LT is designed to reinforce powerful evaluation tools known as "listening" skills. No matter what types of modalities you practice expanding your evaluation abilities will enhance your treatment outcomes. Listening Techniques’ are palpation tools developed by Jean-Pierre Barral, DO which enable you to fine-tune your assessment skills. Through ‘Listening’ you will be able to determine which body structures are involved, and identify the best approach for treatment results.
Course Highlights:
Focused Listening on the brain, nerves, vascular system and articulations.
Deepen "listening skills" (palpation procedure) that help guide you to the proper manipulation site.
Learn to interpret the information the body is offering regarding imbalances and dysfunctions.
Explore through listening how to determine which body structures are involved, and identify the best approach for treatment results.
Practice listening to the body systems, as they respond to your treatments.
Learn to identify the correct approach and amount of force when working on different parts of the body and with different clients.
Prerequisite: LT1 class, VM3 or 4 and at least 1 year of practice after LT1 class.
Required Advance Reading: None